South Glos Post.

South Gloucestershire Council helps grant-seekers

South Gloucestershire Library Service has launched a new online resource available in libraries across the district to help both individuals and community groups identify funding from grant-giving organisations. The online database is provided by the charity FunderFinder which specialises in information and advice about grant-giving charitable trusts and foundations in the UK. The database holds the details of over 4,500

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South Glos Post.

Celebrate National Bookstart Day

Little Miss Muffet, Little Bo Beep and even Incey Wincey Spider will be helping to celebrate National Bookstart Day 2009. The theme this year is My Favourite Rhyme. To celebrate National Bookstart Day, South Gloucestershire’s Library Service is holding two special events for parents and children to enjoy singing rhymes and learn more about Bookstart. This is part of a

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