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Have your say on further changes to South Glos planning blueprint

South Gloucestershire Core Strategy.

Local people are being invited to have their say on draft modifications to South Gloucestershire’s proposed district-wide planning blueprint, or Core Strategy.

The strategy was reviewed by an independent Government Inspector during June and July and in his preliminary findings, published last month, the Inspector endorsed the vast majority of the council’s proposals. However, he has also made a number of modifications in order to make the strategy ‘sound’ and ready for adoption.

These include changes to the way in which land is released for housing development within the district, as well as changes to proposals for the expansion of The Mall at Cribbs Causeway.

Before the inspector completes his examination members of the public are now being invited to comment on the Inspector’s draft modifications, via a six-week consultation that runs until Friday 16th November. After this date all comments will be passed to the Inspector for consideration prior to his final report, which is expected before Christmas.

The draft modifications can be viewed on the council’s website as well as in hard copy at the council’s One-Stop Shops in Thornbury, Yate, Kingswood and Patchway.

As the district’s main planning blueprint, the Core Strategy sets out South Gloucestershire’s overarching development vision until 2027, helping the council to plan for the new jobs, homes and infrastructure that the district will need in the future.

The strategy’s proposals show how the council is planning positively for jobs, including the creation of a centre of aerospace excellence focused on the Filton Airfield site and unlocking the potential of the Avonmouth/Severnside area.

The strategy also responds to local evidence of demand for new homes, including affordable housing, throughout the district, helping to make sure that mixed and balanced new communities are delivered in a managed and sustainable manner while also preserving and protecting the character of South Gloucestershire, its open countryside and green spaces for future generations.

The plan will see significant new infrastructure being delivered including improvements in public transportation, new roads, schools, open space and other public facilities necessary to enable the new and existing communities of South Gloucestershire to prosper.

More info: Consultation on Inspector’s Draft Main Modifications (SGC)

Source: South Gloucestershire Council

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