Calling all community heroes! Nominations are now open for the 2013 South Gloucestershire Chair’s Community Awards.
This year’s annual celebration of community work and volunteering marks the tenth anniversary since the awards scheme began in 2003. From charity fundraisers to local football club managers, sports coaches and arts festival organisers, South Gloucestershire Council has honoured the dedication and commitment of hundreds of unsung heroes across the district.
Chairman of South Gloucestershire Council Cllr Janet Biggin said:
“With the community spirit shown over the past year during events such as the Olympics, Paralympics and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, I am anticipating a large number of nominations for the annual Chair’s Community Awards.”
“From people who organised street parties for the Jubilee to those who took the time to decorate their houses along the Olympic torch route in South Gloucestershire, I am really looking forward to seeing this year’s nominations so please nominate your unsung hero today.”
You can nominate online at
Alternatively, call 01454 863008 or email
Deadline for nominations is Friday 22nd February and the winners will be invited to a ceremony at the BAWA club in Filton on Thursday 18th April.
The nominated person must satisfy most of the following criteria in order to be considered for a Community Award:
- The candidate has made their contribution as a volunteer (without pay, other than out of pocket expenses) for the benefit of residents in South Gloucestershire; OR
- The candidate has received payment for their work and has shown additional voluntary effort and dedication well beyond that expected from their employment.
Please give specific examples of the person’s work or additional voluntary effort when completing the application form to assist the panel when making a decision.
The candidate has made a real difference in a number of ways such as:
- time dedicated to the work they do
- leadership and the motivation of other
- developing ideas that have helped others
- helping others overcoming significant challenges.
Special Award Categories
- Long service award
- Youngest volunteer
- Joint award (two people)
Suggested areas of contribution include: (this list is only illustrative)
- Advice and advocacy
- Community development
- Community safety
- Environment
- Good neighbour
- Promoting equality
- Arts
- Sport
- Play
- Work with older people
- Work with young people
- School governor
We cannot accept nominations for:
- Groups
- Immediate family members
- Elected councillors (currently in post), unless the nomination is for work not associated with the councillor role.
- Previous winners for the same area of contribution.
Source: South Gloucestershire Council