South Gloucestershire Council has launched a new online budget consultation forum where residents can post their views on what priorities the council should focus on.
Whether it is investing in our schools, the district’s roads or services for older people, it is important that South Gloucestershire residents are given an opportunity to comment on the spending challenges facing the council.
The council is keen to listen to as many people as possible; tell us what service you think should be the number one priority for the council and, equally, what is not such a priority. What would you change and how can the council provide even better value for money?
Cllr Allan Higgs, executive member for corporate affairs, said: “The council spends nearly £480m a year on schools, roads, services for the elderly and many community services. This council, along with other authorities, faces a very significant challenge over the next four years and we want to hear your views on what should be priorities the council should focus on.
“Because of the need to reduce the very high national debt, funding from Government is likely to fall by between 25 and 40 per cent while at the same time there is likely to be a desire to have low or even no council tax increases. So please take the time to visit our new online budget discussion forum and get in touch. Please don’t leave responding to someone else because they might be leaving it to you.”
The budget forum is available on the council’s website at
And if you don’t have internet access at home, you can log on for free at your local library.
The consultation runs until Tuesday 1st March 2011.
Source: South Gloucestershire Council