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South Glos residents asked for views on NHS and its future priorities

NHS South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group.

South Gloucestershire residents are being asked to put forward their views about the NHS, locally and nationally, and what they think its future priorities should be.

South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), the body responsible for planning and buying healthcare for the local population, is organising the survey to find out the views of local people.

It forms part of a national Call to Action led by NHS England, the national body responsible for NHS services. It is asking the public, patients, carers and staff to get involved in discussing the future of the NHS, so it can plan how best to deliver services, now and in the years ahead.

Dr Jon Hayes, Clinical Chair of South Gloucestershire CCG, said:

“The NHS faces many challenges including an ageing population and a rise in the number of people with long-term conditions. Finances are tight so we have to plan very carefully about where we spend our money to most benefit the people of South Gloucestershire.”

“Our role as a CCG is to look at the local population and the health services it needs, now and into the future, and plan the best way to provide this within the resources we have. To do this effectively it is essential that we listen to our patients, local communities and partner organisations and work with them to deliver the best services.”

The CCG is led by local GPs, supported by experienced managers. The GPs bring their knowledge of working with patients across South Gloucestershire to the decision-making process.

You can complete the survey on the CCG’s website: NHS Call to Action.

If you would like a printed copy of the survey, please telephone 0117 9474400.

The closing date is Tuesday 31st December 2013.

Source: South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group

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