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Core Strategy

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South Gloucestershire Core Strategy

The Core Strategy is the key document in South Gloucestershire Council’s portfolio of Local Development Framework (LDF) planning documents. It sets out a vision for the area based on evidence, community objectives and the detailed spatial strategy for future development in South Gloucestershire to 2026. It includes policies and programmes for the general location of new development, its type and scale, and the resources to deliver it, as well as protecting what is valued about the area.

More info:

Latest Update on the Core Strategy

July 2012

The Inspector Mr Paul Crysell formally closed the examination hearing sessions at the end of Wednesday 18th July and thanked all participants for ensuring that the examination had run smoothly.

At the close of the hearings, Mr Crysell outlined the next steps. He stated that he anticipated being able to supply the council with his preliminary findings within approximately four weeks from the close of the hearings. Once the council has received any suggested main modifications from him, the council will be required to undertake sustainability appraisal on those modifications. The council will then advertise the modifications and the sustainability appraisal for comment for a period of six weeks. It is anticipated that this will occur in late summer or early autumn.

December 2011

Councillors are set to consider the latest revision of South Gloucestershire’s Core Strategy at a series of meetings during the week beginning 12th December 2012, following the publication of updates demanded by the independent inspector responsible for examining the document.

Read more: Councillors to consider revised planning blueprint

The updated Core Strategy and associated documents can be found using the links below, which are taken from the agenda of the Joint Meeting of Planning, Transport and Strategic Environment Select Committee, Development Control (East) and Development Control (West) Committees on Monday 12th December 2011:

Core Strategy Stories in The Post

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