The West of England Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has welcomed the £70million inward investment announced by Airbus during a visit by Vince Cable MP, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills on Friday 25th March.
The aerospace giant plans to develop a £70million state of the art engineering and technology campus in South Gloucestershire.
Chair Colin Skellett said: “This is very welcome news. The West of England has a high number of immensely capable aerospace and defence companies, which is why we are well placed to become the lead Local Enterprise Partnership nationally for this industry.”
“This latest announcement will help to cement the worldwide reputation the West of England has for cutting-edge aeronautics, following the securing of the National Composites Centre (NCC) last year, and the news last week that the NCC will become part of the first Technology and Innovation Centre in the UK.”
“The LEP has now established its permanent Board, which includes key players in the private and public sector, to ensure that this gathering momentum continues.”